Visual Identity, Website
Imaginenation provides innovation consulting services to help organisations adapt, innovate and grow through disruption.
Imaginenation would like a quick turn-around visual identity that reflects its role in disrupting the industry.
Using photography that defied gravity and colours that are attention grabbing and fresh, a unique visual identity is created that stands out from its competitors.
Selected Works
TerraPizzasTake Home Test, Ecommerce, UX & UI
Benchmark GymUX Research + Usability Testing + Prototype
Hay (aspiring neobank) - work in progressMobile App, Product Design, UI & UX
Responsive Saas platform – light & dark Theme – work in progressDesign System, Dark & Light Mode, Logo
ASGLogo + Website
CalixLogo + Visual Identity + Website
PayrightLogo + Visual Identity + Campaign
HakoahVisual Identity
DeputyVisual Identity + Illustration
LogosLogotype & Logomark
EquifaxWebsite, eDM, Visual Identity, Print
Vero – Qantas Business RewardsMini campaign
Vero - UI KitUI Kit
TargusWebsite improvement
CatholicCare WollongongVisual Identity
Vero – Risk Profiler ToolIconography, Digital Online Tool
All content © of the design agency and respective brands 2017-2020.