Equifax – Ignite
Sub-brand, Visual Identity, Website, eDM, Flyer
Equifax Inc. is and American multinational consumer credit reporting agency and is one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies. Equifax collects and aggregates information on over 800 million individual consumers and more than 88 million businesses worldwide.
Equifax Ignite is a sub-brand of Equifax. Creating a quick-turn around mini visual identity with a balance of corporate and dynamism was quite a challenge. As Equifax is an established international corporation, all the visual elements has to be explained and rationalised.
The photography style consist of lifestyle and esoteric images that represent moving data. The treatment shows users of Equifax Ignite report being immersed in the world of data and gaining insight. The iconography is seamless and connected, inspired by a flowchart. It shows how insights are directly derived from clarity of data. The forward leaning lines shows dynamism and speed.
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All content © of the design agency and respective brands 2017-2020.